Monday, August 10, 2009

Greendale ICG 2oo9

1) ICG stands for Interclass Games. The aims are to:
- bulid up class spirit
- increase students' confidence level
- allow students to learn the importance of sportsmanship

The games are Captains' Ball , Basketball , Soccer , Handball & Netball. It will be held in Week 7 , 8, 9 of Term 3.

2) Reporting time & venue:
Please note the official start time for diff. days .

Mondays 4pm
Tuesdays 3.30pm
Wednesdays 3.30pm
Thursdays 3.30pm
Fridays 2.30pm

All games should end by 6pm(estimated). All players will have to report 15 minutes before the official time , to the Official Table at the respective venues. Otherwise, it will be considered a walkover for the class .

3) Attire
- wear proper P.E. attire
- not allow to participate if not dressed properly
- can wear class tee-shirt(but we don't have)
- allow to bring own sport shoes

4) Games Schedule:
Captains' Ball (mixed) - Week 7 (13/8): Thu @ Parade Square
Netball (girls) - Week 8 (19/8): Wed @ Parade Square
Soccer (boys) - Week 8 (19/8): Wed @ Field
Basketball (girls & boys) - Week 9 (25/8): Tue @ Basketball Court
Handball (mixed) - Week 9 (27/8): Thu @ Parade Square

5) Each student is allowed to sign up for max. of 2 sports !

6) Champion classes would be awarded with attractive prizes like sponsors of class-tee-shirt , voucher or discounts for a meal as a class , etc...

7) Do your v. best for each upcoming sports & win the attractive prizes for our class !!(:

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