Friday, May 15, 2009

the time table for checking of MYE paper script

title: the timetable for checking of MYE paper script

wed (20/5)
0730 - 0800 Flag Rising
0800 - 0930 Science
0930 - 1100 English
1100 - 1130 Recess
1130 - 1230 Literature
1230 - 1400 Maths

thu (21/5)
0730 - 0800 Flag Rising
0800 - 0900 Geography
0900 - 1030 Home Economics
1030 - 1100 Recess
1100 - 1230 Maths
1230 - 1400 Mother Tongue

Things to bring:
- pencil case
- handbook
- thermometer
- writing paper(foolscap & chinese foolscap)
- no need to bring any textbooks but storybook!
- the form on sec 2 camp

school as usual , 7.20am

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