Wednesday, March 18, 2009


May I ask something ?

The Chinese Learning Style right ? We do on the paper , do we need on the card again ? Or do we need to do on the paper and do on the card . Or do we do on the paper ONLY ? So , just asking , DO ON PAPER or ALSO NEED TO DO ON ANOTHER CARD ?

The Literature Learning Style , the same as upstairs . ( Points upstairs !) And , the Literature homework , we do on the blog or we do on the blog and fulscape paper or we do on fulscape paper only ? And lastly , what's the url ? I also dk ! How to do my homework . ): And , we do the meaning already , still need to do the poem ? Or do we need to do both ? Or just either one ?

Lol . Kay , bye ! See you guys NEXT MONDAY . ( LONG WAY TO GO , CAUSE I'M ENJOYING MY HOLIDAY(S) ! ) ^^

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