Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How to Sleep in Class

Many students don't get enough shut-eye the previous night. As a result, the students may fall asleep the next day during class. Those students could get in trouble. Here are a few methods on how to avoid that.


1. Find a spot away from the teachers desk, and other people.
2. Make sure there is a friend near you to wake you up if needed.
3. Try the "I Dropped Something" Method: Place a pencil on the floor near your desk on the right side. Place your left arm horizontally on the edge of the desk. Put forehead on the arm. Let your right arm flop down as if you are reaching for the pencil.
4. Try the Book Method: Set up your left arm in the same way as the last method. Open a book and place it on your lap. Place your head down on your arm. Place your right hand on the pages.
5. Try the Book Method #2: Place a hardcover book on your desk opened to the very middle (so the pages don't turn themselves.) Put your elbows on your desk next to the book with your forearms up. Using your hands shield your eyes like a sun visor/ baseball cap.
6. Try the Desk Method: Put your arm and head in the usual positions. Reach inside your desk, as if you are rummaging for something.
7. The "I'm taking notes method": Place some paper or notes, preferably with some writing on them, on the table. Place your left elbow on the table and rest the corner of your forehead on the heel of your left palm. Face your head downwards so that you are looking at the edge of your desk. Hold a pen in your right hand to the paper in front of you, as though you were writing something. Also, you can adjust your seat so that you tilt your head and body away from the teacher as much as possible. Switch hands where necessary so that the arm you're resting on shields you from the teacher. It's ok, they won't notice if you're a left or right-hander!
8. Grab a book and put in standing up on your desk shielding your face from the teacher.
9. Try to cup your face if you are reading something. To do this, cup your hands around your eyes and rest your chin in your palms.
10. The long hair no-fail method: If your teacher stands in one place, and you have excessively long bangs, put them in front of your face about a few minutes before you decide to sleep. Then, fold your arms on your desk and rest your chin on your arms so your face is facing the teacher. Sweet dreams.

· The 6th method may not work because your arm is not moving.
· Wear clothes with a hood on them.
· Don't wear earplugs - they may help you sleep, but you won't be able to hear what is going on.
· Wear shades that look like prescription glasses.
· If you have long hair, you can use it to cover up your face.
· Try not to lie on the desk, because that will give you away easily.
· You can ask the person in front of you to sit back on their chair, which blocks the teacher's view of you.
· Have a friend that gives you the copy of the notes or homework that they did while you slept.
· If you happen to have a huge test in the day but you didn't get enough sleep that night/morning, it's better to sleep in classes during the day before your test so you are more refreshed, but be prepared to miss other things in the classes that you sleep in.
· Watch your grades. They are indicators of overuse.
· Sitting in the back is easier to get away than the front. Beg your teacher that you want to sit at the back or tell them that you can't see close but only far away. Walls make it a great place to relax to just lay back and close your eyes and the teacher will look and see you are up so she won't call on you!
· Easier in a class such as art, where you do not learn a lot of important (testworthy) information every class. It's also good if you have a desk in front of a window, or back to the teacher desk. Just simply rest your elbow on the desk and your head upon you hand, and a pencil in your drawing hand with paper in front of you. If you get caught and didn't draw a little sketch ahead, you could say you were trying to get "inspiration" from the things outside or you don't know what to draw. Works almost every time!
· I've learned that when you plan to space/sleep/not pay attention, raise your hand for every question you think you may know for the first few minutes, so that way the teacher will feel less obligated to call on you later in class if you look a little… less active.
· The teacher often summarizes all (s)he’s said in the last few minutes, so have your friend wake you up about five to ten minutes before class ends. That should prevent you from missing out -too- much.
· Movies are a great time to sleep. It's dark and the teacher never asks questions. You just need to make sure you wake up when the movie is over. Also, if the class is listening to a book tape works well too.
· Look Busy
· Don't fall into a deep sleep,fall into a light sleep where you can sort of hear what's going on.
· This is very difficult but train yourself to be able to listen while you are sleeping so if the teacher says "(insert name here) are you sleeping you can say no, then if the teacher asks "what was the last thing i said" you will be able to answer the question successfully. (Do NOT use a smart-aleck answer!)
· If you use any of the above techniques, you don't need to fully sleep, just relax and drift a bit. This way makes you feel a little more rested, and you should still know what went on in class.
· If a teacher loves their subject and gets into long rants, they'll probably be too distracted to notice you, especially if you usually get good grades in their class.
· Pick the right class to sleep in. History or Math (depending on the teachers) can be dangerous to sleep through because of the constant flow of vital information. Also, teachers in these classes tend to require more student involvement (question answering, ciphering, etc.). Try to sleep through a class that is easy for you to pass, or consists mainly of a lecture or presentation of some type that only require passive participation.
· Try to sleep during a movie or after work time. Most teachers will give you leeway if it is a morning class and you don't have to do anything.

· If you snore, sleep talk, or sleepwalk, avoid using these techniques.
· Try not to sit near someone who would tell on you, or someone you hate. They will most likely snitch on you just to get you in trouble.
· If the teacher is very strict, don't do this!
· Don't do this too often, or the teacher might get suspicious!
· Be careful for those teachers that call random people for questions or to "show the class an example" because if you get caught, it can be serious.
· Make sure not to get into a habit of actually sleeping in class.Catnap
· Be wary of the people around you. If they are attracting too much attention or are likely to attract too much attention, either work hard to look like you're awake or work even harder to be awake.
· Make sure the teacher is not expecting you to turn in notes or some kind of summary at the end of class!
· This may seem obvious, but don't fall asleep before attendance is taken and homework is collected! You will surely get caught.
· If the person in front of you is obviously sleeping, it is essential that you do not sleep.
· If you sit in or near the front row, it is highly risky to sleep.
· Drooling is a way to get yourself caught and ridiculed for a long time.
· Doing this may result in missing valuable or even critical information.
· If you sleep a lot through call you will find yourself failing your classes unless you are one of those that sleep and pass! Find out who you are before attempting to do this!
· Don't sleep if your class is doing an activity like popcorn reading (reading a section of text, then "popping" it to someone else). The teacher will notice you are sleeping if someone pops it to you.
· Be careful of leaving your face in view and chin unprotected, your chin will fall and it will be obvious that you are asleep.

Things you need:
· A Book
· A Good Excuse
· Pencil/Paper

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